Yuhan Chen

Degree: Ph.D.
Title:Associate Professor
Address: Science and Technology Building, Beijing Normal University
ZIP code: 100875
Telephone: +86 10 58807082
Lab Homepage:chenlab.tech
Educational Experiences:
2008 - 2013 Ph.D., Major of Computational Neuroscience, Department of Physics, Hong Kong Baptist University
2002 - 2006 Bachelor, Major of Theoretical Physics, Department of Modern Physics, University of Science and Technology of China
Work Experience:
2022.09 – current, Associate Professor, School of Systems Science, Beijing Normal University
2021.09 – 2022.09, Assistant Researcher, School of Systems Science, Beijing Normal University
2015.09 - 2021.09, Assistant Researcher, State Key Lab of Cognitive Neuroscience and Learning, Beijing Normal University
2013.11 – 2015.08, Postdoc, Department of Physics, Hong Kong Baptist University
Research Interests:
We combine the computational models and multi-modal anatomy, imaging data of the primate brain to explore:
1 Design principles of the structural connectome to balance the needs of energy economy and functional integration/cooperation.
2 Analysis the neural information processing by the large-scale dynamic modelling.
Professional Affiliations:
Yuhan Chen is the referee of Cerebral Cortex, Neural Networks, Human Brain Mapping, Brain Topography, Cognitive Neurodynamics, etc..