Professor Wang Wenxu Published Review Article on Physics Reports

Author: 2016-11-16

      Professor Wang Wenxu of School of Systems Science was invited to publish a review article titled “Data based identification and prediction of nonlinear and complex dynamical systems” on Physics Reports, the leading review journal in physics.

      Identifying the evolution law and the relationship between structure and dynamics of complex network from data has been central to the study of complex science. The team led by Professor Wang has been conducting researches in this field in recent years, producing a series of research results of international influence. Systematically, Wang’s article summarized the methods to reconstruct and predict nonlinear and complex network and the development of relevant researches these 20 years, including the classic approach to phase-space reconstruction, the noise-induced inference method, the recently developed reconstruction method based on compressive sensing theory by Wang et al. and the associated inference method often used in bioinformatics. This review article is of great value for advancing and deepening nonlinear systems and complex social, economic, biological and ecological systems based on big data.

      This is the second article BNU published on Physics Reports but the first time to publish a review article with BNU in the first place. The impact factor of Physics Reports for 5 years is 22.12, ranking the second of all physics journals.

      The first author Professor Wang was nominated for Young Overseas High-level Talents Introduction Plan and Beijing Science and Technology New Star Plan. Wang is also the head of the major projects of the National Natural Science Foundation. As one of the Most Cited Chinese Researchers of Elsevier, Wang won the first prize of natural science awarded by the Ministry of Education. Co-author Professor Ying-Cheng Lai is a fellow of American Physical Society and the winner of PECASE awarded by White House while co-author Professor Celso Grebogi is the founder of the well-known OGY hybrid control method.

The link of the article is as follows:
