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2012-今            bat365中文官方网站认知神经科学与学习国家重点实验,教授

2011-今            bat365中文官方网站,教授

2007.9-2008.9   耶鲁大学医学院神经生物系(汪小京实验室),访问学者/研究科学家

2007-今            bat365中文官方网站bat365中文官方网站博士生导师

2005-2011        bat365中文官方网站系统科学系,副教授

2002-2005        bat365中文官方网站系统科学系,讲师



从事复杂系统基础理论及其应用研究,特别关注神经系统的复杂性研究,目的是以神经环路为基础建立计算模型揭示实验中观察到的神经系统动力学行为的机制,展示神经系统达成特定功能的机理,并尝试将相关的机制应用于工程问题。目前的研究题目包括决策的神经动力学机制、风险感知及其如何影响决策的神经机制、知觉学习的计算模型、视觉工作记忆容量的机制、参数工作记忆(触觉振动频率)的容量等。部分研究成果发表在Journal of Neuroscience, Plos computational Biology, Complexity, Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience, Neurocomputing等杂志。


1. 国家重点研发计划-变革性技术关键科学问题专项项目:“大脑计算同化平台与新一代类脑智能算法理论”( 2019YFA0709503)总经费2163万,个人经费40万,参与,(2020.6-2025.5)

2. 北京市科委脑认知与类脑计算专项:皮层下视觉通路快速信息加工机制及运动目标识别算法研究(批准号z171100000117007)经费400万,主持,(2017.1—2018.12)

3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:视知觉学习神经机制的计算模型研究(31671077)经费 62万,主持, (2017.1-2020.12)

4. 国家自然科学基金NSFC—RS合作研究项目:关于奖赏、厌恶和风险决策的脑回路动力学模型研究(31511130066),经费9.5万,主持,(2015.3-2017.3)

5. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:风险感知的神经计算机制研究 (31271169),经费80万,主持,(2013.1-2016.12)

6. 国家自然科学基金重大研究计划:记忆和记忆障碍的神经环路模型研究(91132702) 80万(参加) (2012.1-2014.12).

7. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:Gamma振荡中神经元相位关系的机制研究(60974075)30万,主持,(2010.1-2012.12).

8. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:大脑皮层功能分区的自组织机制研究(70471080) 14万, 主持, (2005.1-2007.12).

9. 教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金:Gamma振荡中兴奋性神经元领先抑制性神经元相位的机制研究 2万,主持,(2009.10-2010.10)



1. Zanin,M*.,…,Wang,D.H...., Schmidt,H.H.W.(2021)An Early Stage Researcher’s Primer on Systems Medicine Terminology. Network and Systems Medicine 2021, 4.1. DOI: 10.1089/nsm.2020.0003

2. Yu, L., Wang, C., Wu, S., & Wang, D. H*. (2020). Communication speeds up but impairs the consensus decision in a dyadic colour estimation task. Royal Society Open Science, 7(7), 191974.

3. Hongzhi You, Mengya Zhang,Da-Hui Wang*(2020) Neural mechanism underlying risk attitude and probability distortion: One two-stage model of valuation and choice. Neurocomputing. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neucom.2019.09.021

4. Haotian Wang, Xinghui Xia*, Ran Liu, Zixuan Wang, Yawei Zhai, Hui Lin, Wu Wen, Yang Li, Da-Hui Wang*, Zhifeng Yang, Derek Muir, and John C. Crittenden (2019) Dietary uptake patterns affect bioaccumulation and biomagnification of hydrophobic organic compounds in fish. Environmental Science and Technology.53:4274-4284.

5. Xiaolong Zou, Zilong Ji, Xiao Liu, Tiejun Huang, Yuanyuan Mi, Dahui Wang and Si Wu (2018). Learning, Storing, and Disentangling Correlated Patterns in Neural Networks. In: Cheng L., Leung A., Ozawa S. (eds) Neural Information Processing. ICONIP 2018. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11303. Springer, Cham.(Best Paper)

6. Ruina Dai, Ran Liu, Tao Liu, Zong Zhang, Xiang Xiao, Peipei Sun, Xiaoting Yu,Dahui Wang*, and Chaozhe Zhu*(2018).Toward a holistic view of interpersonal sensorimotor synchronization: a behavioral model and neural marker of joint tapping. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience 18:1141-1154.

7. Luozheng Li YuanYuan Mi Wenhao Zhang Da-Hui Wang*, Si Wu (2018). Dynamic information encoding with dynamic synapses in neural adaptation. Front. Comput. Neurosci. 12:16. doi: 10.3389/fncom.2018.00016

8. Huanyuan Zhou,KongFatt Wong-Lin, and Da-Hui Wang*(2018). Parallel excitatory and inhibitory neural circuit pathways underlie reward-based phasic neural responses. Complexity, Volume 2018, Article ID 4356767, 20 pages

9. Wong-Lin K, Wang DH, Moustafa AA, Cohen JY, Nakamura K (2017). Toward a multiscale modeling framework for understanding serotonergic function. Journal of Psychopharmacology (Oxford, England). 31(9), pp 1121-1136.

10. Hongzhi You, Da-Hui Wang (2017) Neuromorphic Implementation of Attractor Dynamics in a Two-variable Winner-take-all Circuit with NMDARs: A Simulation Study. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 11(40).

11. Xiaolong Zou, Da-Hui Wang* (2016). On the Phase Relationship between Excitatory and Inhibitory Neurons in Oscillation. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience. DOI: 10.3389/fncom.2016.00138.

12. 余柳涛、鲍建樟、陈清华、王大辉*(2016)个体自信度对双人决策的影响.心理学报48 (8): 1013-1025

13. Yu, L. T. and Wu, S. and Wang, D. H* (2016) Neural implementation of categorization in a motion discrimination task. Neurocomputing. 216: 709-717 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/ j.neucom. 2016.08.038

14. Hongzhi You; Da-Hui Wang (2016) Neuromorphic Implementation of Attractor Dynamics in Decision Circuit with NMDARs. ISCAS2016

15. Dominic Standage; Da-Hui Wang; Richard P. Heitz; Patrick Sime (2015) Toward a unified view of the speed-accuracy trade-off. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 9

16. Standage Dominic*, Wang Da-Hui, Blohm Gunnar. Neural dynamics implement a flexible decision bound with a fixed firing rate for choice: a model-based hypothesis. Frontiers in Neuroscience (2014) fnins.2014.00318.

17. Yuanyuan Mi, Luozheng Li, Da-Hui Wang, Si Wu*. A Synaptical Story of Persistent Activity with Graded Lifetime in a Neural System. (2014) Neural Information Processing Systems

18. Dominic Standage*; Hongzhi You; Da-Hui Wang*; Michael C. Dorris(2013) Trading speed and accuracy by coding time: a coupled-circuit cortical model. PLoS Computational Biology, 9(4)

19. Hongzhi You; Da-Hui Wang*(2013) Dynamics of Multiple-choice Decision Making. Neural Computation, 25(8):2108-2145

20. Da-Hui Wang*; KongFatt Wong-lin*(2013)Comodulation of dopamine and serotonin on prefrontal cortical rhythms: a theoretical study. Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience, 7(54)

21. Ziqaing Wei, Xiaojing Wang, DaHui Wang*. From Distributed Resources to Limited Slots in Multiple-item Working Memory: a Spiking Network Model with Normalization. Journal of Neuroscience 32(33):11228-11240

22. Jiawei Chen, Liujun Chen, Yan Liu, Dahui Wang, Yougui Wang. Chinese family name distributions in multiple scales Physica A 390(2011):3938-3943

23. Hongzhi You, Yan Meng, Di Huan, Da-Hui Wang*. The neural dynamics for hysteresis in visual perception. Neurocomputing (2011) 74(17): 3502-3508. 

24. Xiaocong Gan, Dahui Wang, Zhangang Han, A Growth Model to Explain Power-law in N-tuple Zipf Analysis, Physica A 390(2011)792-800 

25. Standage D, You H, Wang D-H and Dorris MC (2011) Gain modulation by an urgency signal controls the speed–accuracy tradeoff in a network model of a cortical decision circuit. Front. Comput. Neurosci.5:7.doi: 10.3389/ fncom.2011.00007

26. Ziqiang Wei, Yiguang Hong, Dahui Wang*. The Phase Diagram and the Pathway of Phase Transition for Traffic Flow in a Circular One-lane Roadway. Physica A 388:1665-1672 (2009) 

27. Liujun Chen, Weiting Chen, Zengru Di, Dahui Wang*. Critical Phenomenon Induced by Noise in the BTW Sandpile. Fractals 17(2):227-232(2009)

28. Lei Chai, Dahui Wang, Jiawei Chen, Menghui Li, Zengru Di*. Cluster splitting transition in a markov chain model for labor division. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos. 18(2):593-598(2008) 

29. Liang Gao, Jinshan Zhao, Zengru Di, Dahui Wang*. Asymmetry between Odd and Even Node Weight in Complex Networks. Physica A, 376(2007)687-691.

30. Dahui Wang*, Ziqiang Wei, Ying Fan. Hysteresis phenomena of the intelligent driver model for traffic flow. Phys. Rev. E 76, 016105 (2007) 

31. Menghui Li, Ying Fan, Dahui Wang, Daqing Li, Jinshan Wu, Zengru Di, Small-world effect induced by weight randomization on regular networks,Physics Letters A Volume 364, Issue 6(14)2007: 488-493

32. Menghui Li, Jinshan Wu, Dahui Wang, Tao Zhou, Zengru Di, Ying Fan. Evolving model of weighted networks inspired by scientific collaboration networks Physica A, 375(2007)355-364.

33. Dahui Wang*, Weiting Chen, Qiang Yuan, Zengru Di. Static statistical approach to the BTW sandpile model, Fractals, Vol. 14, No. 1 (2006) 55-61.

34. Wang Dahui, Zhou Li, Di Zengru. Bipartite producer–consumer networks and the size distribution of firms. Physica A 363 (2006) 359–366.

35. Menghui Li, Dahui Wang, Ying Fan, Zengru Di, Jinshan Wu*. Modeling weighted networks using connection count. New Journal of Physics, 8, 2006:72. 

36. Dahui Wang*,Menghui Li, Zengru Di. True reason for Zipf’s law in language, Physica A 358 (2005) 545–550. 

37. Honggang Li*, Dahui Wang, Xianggui Chen. Job match and income distribution, Physica A, 341, (2004) 569-574. 

38. 王大辉,李红刚.R&D投资与经济增长.bat365中文官方网站学报(自然科学)2005,41(5):544-550

39. 王大辉,王永哲,袁强. Haken灯塔模型的一个改进. bat365中文官方网站学报(自然科学)2006, 42(5):548-550

40. 孟艳,张丹,王大辉. 神经元簇状放电锋电位数的研究. bat365中文官方网站学报(自然科学版)2011,47(1): 97-100

41. 唐莲,王大辉. 关于Zipf-Mandelbrot律中参数ρ的一种解释.bat365中文官方网站学报(自然科学版)2011,47(1):104-107 



1. 王大辉:吸引子神经网络. 大百科全书.理学.物理学.神经生物物理学(2020)

2. 王大辉:递归神经网络. 大百科全书.理学.物理学.神经生物物理学(2020)


中国自动化学会生物控制论与生物医学工程专委会秘书长,Journal of Neuroscience Method, BMC Neuroscience, Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience 等杂志编委




