
来源: 作者: 发布时间:2014-07-15 浏览次数:

New economics is coming: the first meeting of New Economic Reading


        2014年5月10时晚7时,新经济学读书会(NewEconomic Reading, NER) 首次见面交流会在bat365中文官方网站英东楼217正式开场。来自北京大学、bat365中文官方网站、北京邮电大学等14名同学到场参加了本次交流会,同时还有来自澳大利亚、荷兰以及英国的3名同学也通过网络视频和文字通讯等方式参与了本次活动。其中,正在北京大学留学的反思经济学(RethinkingEconomics,RE)学生联合会的发起人杨缘和龙洲经讯(GavekalDragonomics)中国经济研究家及影子中央银行(ShadowPBOC)发起人陈龙的共同参与,为读书会的举办提供了丰富经验参考。此外,长期从事新经济学研究的来自美国伊利诺伊斯大学的SteveCohn教授和bat365中文官方网站王有贵教授也全程参加了交流活动,给予了高度学术支持。本次读书会的成功举办得到了国际学生联合会反思经济学(RethinkingEconomics, RE)和北师大bat365中文官方网站的大力帮助,并且作为中国第一个旨在推动新经济学的学习与传播的学生组织,成为了RE网络中的一个崭新节点。


NER (New Economic Reading) is a Beijing based reading group aimed to bring new economic thinkers together and provide a platform for book lovers to read and share knowledge. In the evening of May,10, 2014, the first meeting of New Economic Reading was successfully helded School of System Science, Beijing Normal University.

Fourteen members from Peking University, Beijing Normal University, Beijing Universityof Posts and Telecommunications attended the meeting as well as three members from Australia, Netherland and UK taking part via videos and messages. Among all members, we have Yuan Yang, founder of Rethinking Economics(RE), Long Chen, Chinese economist from Gavekal Dragonomics and founder of ShadowPBOC and Wanting Xiong, founder of NER. In addition, the meeting was supported by Prof. Steve Cohn from Knox College and Prof. Yougui Wang from Systems Science School, Beijing Normal University. This meeting is well supported by School of Systems Science in BNU and Rethinking Economics which recognizes NER as a new node in its international network.




        本次活动是新经济学读书会首次见面会,也是读书会的正式成立大会。这些来自不同院校的同学经过轻松愉快的相互介绍之后,迅速破冰,对“什么才是新经济学(Whatis new economics)?”展开了热烈的讨论,大家纷纷发表了自己的看法。杨缘说,新经济学在于从多元化的角度去思考、学习经济学。在会上,她给大家展示了反思经济学学生联合会的网站以及他们近期所发起的国际学生呼吁经济学多样性公开信(Aninternational student call for pluralism in economics),为大家介绍了新经济学思想在学生之间以及国际社会上的传播与发展。她还表示,新经济学读书会作为中国第一个旨在推动新经济学的学习与传播的学生组织,具有极其重要的意义。陈龙补充道,中国应该有适应自身经济现实的经济理论,照搬国外的新经济学是不可行的。SteveKhon教授说,新经济学在于用有别于传统经济学的方式去看待经济,就像摘下已经固化的有色眼镜,去尝试用新的、不同种类的眼镜去看待真实的经济。王有贵教授则强调了主流经济理论一直以来置之不理的债务和金融机构在经济中扮演的重要角色,陈述了自己对于重构经济学的主张和看法。。除了在场的成员积极发言之外,来自澳大利亚科技大学的智天皓同学、来自荷兰莱顿大学的JoeriSchasfoort同学、来自英国利兹大学的JalalQanas同学也纷纷通过视频或文字的形式和大家分享了自己对新经济学的看法。最后,主持人及读书会发起人熊婉婷同学总结道,新经济学新在思想与态度,既在于用新的视角去审视传统理论,同时也在于用新方法去发现和解决新问题。我们作为年轻学生,拥有创新而不僵化的天然禀赋,应该像诺奖得主JosephStiglitz教授所期望的那样,勇敢地引领起经济学改革的潮流。


After quick self introductions, Wanting started the discussion with a question: What is new economics? All members expressed their point of view on it and discussed with each other heatedly. Yuan stated that new economics should focus on thinking and learning economics through diversified views. Long insisted that Chinese scholars should construct their own theory of new economics instead of copying from western theories. Prof. Cohn encouraged students to give up the stereotypes and put on new glasses to observe and analyze economics. Prof. Wang presented his ideas of reconstructingeconomics theory system and emphasized that money and debt should be animportant complement to mainstream economic theories. Then, Yuan introduced the waves of rethinking economics among students in the international community by presenting the website of RE and the open letter of An International Student Call for Pluralism in Economics. Wanting summarized that our young students should be brave enough to rethink economics and look for new economics at the same time.






The group then proceeded to discuss about  the organization of current activities and communication platform as well as future activities and improvements of NER. After the meeting, all members took photos together and expressed the best wishes forthe future of the group.





Thanks for the efforts of Han Fu and Ke Wu, you can see their reports of our first group meeting via the website: 
